
Treatment Anemia in Pregnancy

Update Monday, March 3, 2014 at 1:22 PM. in category : Anemia,Diet,Health,Pregnancy,Tips

Treatment Anemia in Pregnancy - The Symptoms of Anemia in Pregnancy usually appear include dizziness, fatigue, weakness, not excited, dizziness, dizzy eyes, drowsiness, shortness of breath, decreased immune system, appetite down, unconscious.
So what is being done to treat anemia in pregnancy? The things that can be done to have Treatment Anemia in Pregnancy include:

Blood tests
Blood tests to determine whether pregnant women are anemic or not. If the result is positive anemic, could immediately determine the best way to handle it.
Consultation with a doctor.
Most oral medications are prescribed to treat anemia during pregnancy is safe for use under medical supervision origin. In addition to the condition of the womb, the doctor can also evaluate the overall health condition and decide whether treatment of anemia should be done as quickly as possible or to wait after the birthing process.
Adjusting Diet
Eating foods that contain iron such as meat, oatmeal, brown rice, beans, and dark green vegetables. Consumption of foods with folic acid and vitamin C to help the absorption of iron.
Iron supplements.
The doctor will prescribe iron supplements if necessary, especially in cases of anemia are quite serious. Pregnant women should be under a doctor's supervision when taking iron supplements because these supplements can cause nausea, constipation, and other secondary effects. When taking iron supplements, drink when empty stomach with water or orange juice. Vitamin C in orange juice can help the absorption of iron. However, if the mother in a state of nausea, it is recommended that iron supplements do one hour after eating. Wait a while before drinking milk, tea or coffee.
Multivitamin Supplements
Consuming a multivitamin supplement can also be done as many cases of anemia are caused not only due to iron deficiency alone, but due to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. By balancing the intake of minerals and vitamins, anemia can be more easily dealt with quickly and appropriately.

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