
Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension

Update Friday, February 13, 2015 at 2:36 PM. in category : Health,Hypertension

Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension, Health On The Blogspot - Some of the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension to watch out for are:
1. Shortness of breath
2. Feel tired that occurs with chronic
3. Pain in the chest
4. Headache or dizziness
5. Swelling in the abdomen and legs
6. The heart is pounding and the sound of another heart.

If you had symptoms then its already chronic and life expectancy according to the statistics of those who suffer from this disease can be left only 3-5 years.
For children who suffer from congenital heart disease to undergo a severe disorder, a doctor may perform surgery in order to avoid the occurrence of hypertension. And other treatment that can be done is to do a lung transplant. Pulmonary hypertension in children is still no known cure to the total. But by the doctor, the patient will usually be given some kind of drugs that can help in improving the quality of their lives for the better again and then the patient will be able to carry out their daily activities.

Dependence of patients with medication will last for a lifetime. Now, with the advancement of technology, growing longer treatment may be enumerated by those who suffer from hypertension which is iloprost. Iloprost is used with the aim of helping to widen separately lungs and helps improve blood flow through the lungs. Then can assist in facilitating breathing so it will be more and more oxygen will be channeled to the heart and the head to the body. in addition, the side effects resulting from this iloprost are headache and flushing. The use of iloprost is not the same as the use of inhalers for asthma, due to inhalation of iloprost is the need of the existing equipment in the hospital.
However, the cost of purchasing iloprost itself is still relatively expensive, namely the price of Rp. 300rb for 20 mikrogran used at least 6-9 times usage. And the dose that can be consumed in a patient usually depends on the patient's weight.
That information regarding pulmonary hypertension in children and how to handle. Hopefully this information is useful for you all. Thank You.

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