
Really, Apples Good for Your Health

Update Monday, January 20, 2014 at 6:50 PM. in category : Apples,Health

In this short article I will give you some reasons why you should eat apples to be healthier and feel better. The first apples effectively fight cholesterol. Even one large apple a day can effectively lower cholesterol. This is mainly due to the fact that the supply to the apple pectin our body, which inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. Pectin also neutralizes bile acids. These compounds have a laxative effect and regulate the bacterial flora in the large intestine. Thanks to them, apples are considered a wonder drug for diarrhea and constipation. At the same time protect the gastrointestinal tract and have a positive impact on the functioning of the liver. Another reason for the apples are healthy is that they contain a lot of antioxidants. Substances contained in apples such as flavonoids are very important for our hearts and the cardiovascular system. They are good defenders in the fight against arteriosclerosis. Accelerate the regeneration of blood vessel walls and protect against inflammation. 

Furthermore, prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, and reduce appetite.
Also, people who want to lose weight should reach for an apple every day. Apples are low in calories and regulate digestion in our stomachs. The most you can appreciate the highest incidence in the period that falls in autumn and winter. This is when we reach the apples to help our immune system and cure the infection. Apples effectively prevent premature aging of the skin; they protect the collagen contained therein. It is in them many vitamins and valuable for our beauty. They are extremely rich in precious vitamin C. With the body not only enhances the immune system, but it also gets rid of free radicals. These tasty fruits are also very efficient fuel for the human brain in fact contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which are in great need for our brain. They are a natural booster and improve cognitive function and speed of thinking. Experts have long proven nutritional value of different varieties of apples is not the same? When we reach there, it is also important that they are more or less mature, and even they are in size. For our bodies are the most valuable varieties of old, sometimes not even feral, just because they have the greatest power to heal. However, if these do not find it, let's get to the ones that we like.

Remember that the apple is a fruit universal. Doctor’s emphasize that apple can be given even to young children and elderly persons with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people may not know about all the positive effects of eating apples and the ones that are not listed here but we all eat them because they are delicious and they have their own unique flavor. And due to the fact that the fruit comes in many varieties, this causes everyone will find something for everyone and will be healthy and tasty eating.

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