
Weight Loss Strategies that Really Work

Update Monday, March 3, 2014 at 2:14 PM. in category : Beauty,Diet,Health,Tips,Weight Loss

Weight Loss Strategies that Really Work - all the people who want to lose weight need to rely on cunning and tactics rather than sheer strength to resist risking hunger . Strategies to lose weight should be done cleverly . Strong desire alone is not enough to make your waist smaller.

Here are 7 of the best tactics that you can beat it fat in an ingenious way .
Often Weigh Agency

In the past , experts suggest that you stay away from the scales , because it can be discouraging. But after conducting a study of more than 3,000 people in the National Weight Control Regsitry ( NWCR ) who managed to lose weight 25 pounds or more during a year , the researchers found that 44 percent of them turned out to weigh her ​​every day .

" Excessive Obsession ? Of course not ! They use the scales as an early warning system so that their weight does not go up anymore . If you want to keep your weight at a certain level , you need something that can monitor your success , "said James Hill , Ph.D., co-founder of NWCR at the University of Colorado .
Turn off the TV

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory New York , recently found that just by looking at pictures of food alone , the reaction physiology someone to eat food can be triggered . In the study , food images shown to increase brain activity as much as 24 percent , which occurred in the orbitofrontal cortex , the part of the brain that is closely linked with the drive and desire . Seeing keep food ads on TV that could be a tough test lose weight .
Increase Social Activity

Studies conducted at Cornell University showed that people who are active in social activities more mobile than they were anti - social . Moreover, active in social activities can give the feeling of happy to be helping others . This happiness arises because the body releases endorphins that can suppress the hormone cortisol , a stress hormone that can trigger appetite .
Do Until Hungry

" The hunger will increase the sensitivity to sweet and salty foods , " said Yuriy Zverev of the University of Malawi . So no wonder if the biscuits and pastries in front of you is more enjoyable when hungry . " Eat more often so you avoid excessive addiction to sugar and salt , " said Katherine Tallmadge , MA , RD of the American Dietetic Association .
Do not Fear Snacking

No need to be afraid to snack if you want to lose weight . Snacking it is recommended that your metabolism is maintained. Choose snacks that are low in sugar and high in protein such as beans , or snack rich in vitamins and minerals which are found mainly in vegetables and fruits .

" Almonds are a nutrient-rich foods and contain unsaturated fats that nourish single . Besides almonds are also enriched in protein and fiber . The combination of these three nutrients will give you a sense of satiety for longer , "said Michelle Wien health staff at the City of Hope National Medical Center .
drinking Milk

Milk proved beneficial for weight loss . A study reported by a team of researchers from the University of Tennessee found that people who consume 1,200 mg of calcium from dairy products on a daily basis have reduced an average of 11 percent of the total body for 60 days .

"If you eat diet does not contain enough calcium , the body will tend to form fat , so the weight will continue to grow , " said lead researcher Michael Zemel , Ph.D.
Hagar with Weight Training & Cardio

The combination of weight training and cardio will help increase fat burning in your body efficiently . Useful weight training to build muscle . Muscle is a fat burning machine greatest in the body . The more muscle the more fat is burned . While the cardio will help burn stored fat reserves in your body and turn it into energy , thus burning fat even more .

Seventh tactics above requires dedication and determination from you , because you are not going to win against fat just to sit back and daydream .

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