
Simple Tips to Cure Acne Naturally

Update Monday, March 3, 2014 at 2:04 PM. in category : Acne,Health,Herb,Tips

Tips to Cure Acne Naturally by means of a simple way is often forgotten , many people prefer cosmetic products that promise a lot of things . Tips to get rid of acne by using natural ingredients to produce optimal results without having to worry about the side effects that can damage the skin of the face , because as we all know if it is safe natural ingredients . For those of you who have problems with acne , the following are some tips to eliminate acne blemishes and removes dark acne scars that interfere with the appearance of your face .

Tips Eliminate Acne are :

1 . By using ice
Ice that taste once the cold can have positive effects on the skin , which can eliminate acne because of cold applied to the skin which makes acne bacteria and dead skin cells come up .

2 . lemon

Lemon juice added honey can make the skin free of acne , not only that lemon and honey provide a variety of positive effects on health such as skin lightening skin , lift dead skin cells , fade the black stains and other stains .

3 . Take advantage of baking soda

Tips to get rid of acne is to use baking soda . Baking soda is usually used as an ingredient in cakes , can now use as one easy way to remove acne tips , just add baking soda with water and apply on the acne prone skin .

4 . clove oil

Clove oil can be used as an acne removal , because clove oil contains antiseptic nature so as to cope with acne immediately .

5 . Egg

Egg whites are also used as a remedy acne removal , because it contains are able to make your skin much more healthy and protected from various types of skin problems including acne problems . Fairly easy to use , rub the white part of the egg on the skin of acne , do regularly .

Some tips to eliminate acne and black spots due to acne scars that have been mentioned and described may be the source of your information , and you also can overcome the problem of acne and scars by step and the natural way that is guaranteed safe .

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