
Below Healthy Diet Tips For You

Update Monday, January 20, 2014 at 11:33 PM. in category : Diet,Health,Tips

We still little known about good diet. So, what to eat, to enjoy good health for longer? Well formulated diet is important not only for the slim and slender figure, but also for the health of the whole body. A healthy diet is essential in weight loss. Losing pounds only through exercise is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Half an hour run, for example, can burn about 350-400 calories, while the average packet of chips but contains roughly 600, as well as small popcorn at the movies, not even counting the mineral water. A donut or bun contain up to 500 calories. If you use a poor diet or not using it at all, exercise is unlikely to be sufficient to recover and stay lean. Diet must be largely balanced. What does it mean? The daily food consumption should be in hundreds of different substances, necessary for life, but in trace amounts - for example, 60 milligrams of vitamin C, and 5 grams of salt. To eat healthy and feel good, you should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This does not mean, however, that we have five times a day to empty the entire bowl of lettuce. Already a few grapes fill one serving. The basic idea is to maintain the weight loss so-called negative energy balance. So, to lose weight, you should eat in a day than you burn fewer calories. To complement the shortage of calories, your body will reach the energy stored in the fat, and burn it. Your diet to be healthy and safe, you need to compose their dishes so to provide the body with all the ingredients it needs. So what to eat to be healthy and feel good?

Some fish (mostly sea) have a lot of lipids, which has a beneficial effect on health. It contains valuable omega -3 fatty acids. Studies conducted among the Inuit have shown that consumption of fish containing these acids beneficial for the heart - it protects, among others, a heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Is bread make you fat? Yes, but only some of its variants. It is strongly recommended to limit the consumption of foods with hulled grains, or white bread, cakes and cookies. Treated seeds are devoid of fiber, which protects us from many diseases. High-fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits and grains unshelled ensure proper functioning of the intestines.
Eat slowly
Rush is the domain of our time. We are overworked almost every day, always being late. However, if you want to slim down, slow down a little even during meals.

Drink lots of water
A very interesting phenomenon is the fact that despite the ready availability of water, many people regard dehydrated, often without being aware of this fact. Water is necessary for proper digestion and metabolism. In addition, regular drinking water limits the feeling of hunger so you eat less without sacrifice.
The above mentioned rules apply to the average healthy person, and may be undesirable for your age or state of health. We encourage you to consult with a specialist - a doctor or a nutritionist. Slimming under the supervision of a specialist is always a greater chance of success.

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