
5 Good Walnut Health Benefits

Update Friday, January 31, 2014 at 4:11 PM. in category : Health

Walnut seems to be called as brain food. Why could it be? It is because the walnut is rich of fat acids and omega 3 that are good for brain health. Many people claimed that it is a healthy fruit for the health as it offers some good walnut health benefits. A previous study also claimed that it was effective to prevent heart disease and keep cardiovascular health. But, walnut actually has some other surprising benefits. These are five good benefits of walnut to the health.

Making Healthy the Brain
Consuming walnut regularly is proven to be effective in making healthy the brain. It can also counter aging on the brain. It means that the brain functions are still good to think and do some working activities. It also avoids brain problems including forgetful and difficult to concentrate.

Reducing Cholesterol Levels
Eating nuts including walnuts is useful to lower cholesterol in the body when it is consumed regularly. The effectiveness of reducing cholesterol had been proved by some studies. So, it is good for people having high cholesterols to consume walnuts every day.

Countering Cancer Diseases
Consuming walnuts every day is good for the health. It is effective to decrease the risks of suffering breast cancers. It had been done in an experiment to the mouse in the laboratory.

Inhibiting Prostate Cancers
Many experts claimed that walnut is believed to inhibit prostate cancers. It has been proven by having an experiment to a mouse. After it ate walnut, the mouse is free of suffering prostate cancers. So, it is not wrong to consume walnut in habiting prostate cancers.

Having Rich of Antioxidants
The other walnut health benefits are having rich of antioxidants. It is good to keep and maintain the body health by eating walnut regularly. It is being healthy snack that is rich of antioxidants in which it can be also anti-aging for the skin.

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