
5 Great Cinnamon Health Benefits

Update Friday, February 7, 2014 at 4:23 PM. in category : Health,Tips

Cinnamon is usually used to be mixture for making food and drinks in which it functions to be flavoring. It has pleasant and typical aroma and it can make the food and beverages feel tastier. But, it is not merely being a flavoring. It has some good benefits for the health. Are you curious? There are five great cinnamon health benefits when you consumed it properly.

Alleviating Influenza Symptoms
Consuming cinnamon can alleviate influenza symptoms obviously. The content of cinnamon can relieve and alleviate flu and it is right to combine with ginger. Anti-inflammation of cinnamon is useful to help smoothing circulation in the body so it makes the flu better smoothly.

Lowering Cholesterol and Controlling Blood Sugar
The other cinnamon health benefits are lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar in the body. Cinnamon has calcium, fiber and minerals. It means that it is beneficial for the health of digestion and protects the heart. Cinnamon can lower cholesterol in the body. In addition, it can cure some illnesses including diarrhea, constipation, and intestine cancer. Cinnamon is also rich of antioxidants that can help controlling blood sugar. It can also help the process of digestion after eating and improve insulin response to the diabetes patients. 

Preventing and Curing Cancer
Cinnamon is proven to prevent and reduce the risks of proliferating cancer cells. It means that it is good to prevent and cure cancers from the body.

Improving Brain Functions
It may be magic as by smelling cinnamon aroma it is believed to improve brain activities. In addition, it could increase the cognitive process of people and help them to concentrate, remember and work in computer programs quickly. Though it is illogical, it has been claimed to improve brain functions.

Being Anti-Bacteria of the Body
Cinnamon is mostly used to remove bad bacteria from the body without damaging teeth or gums. Due to the reason, cinnamon is used to make toothpaste products and breathe fresher candies. To remove the bacteria, you can add your drink with the cinnamon.

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