
Knowing Proper Use Antibiotics

Update Monday, February 24, 2014 at 2:15 PM. in category : Health,Tips

Knowing Proper Use Antibiotics  - Antibiotics may include one of the drugs that must be complied with its use so as not to cause harmful side effects. Here is how to correct antibiotic consumption.

Antibiotics should be taken as needed, in accordance with the doctor's instructions or rules such as how many days, whether before or after meals and appropriate dosage. The use of antibiotics is not wise feared could lead to resistance or immunity of the bacteria to antibiotics. 


The habit of giving antibiotics at the right dose and time of administration are too short or too long will cause problems serious enough resistance.

Here is the Proper Use Antibiotics
1. appropriate antibiotic dosage prescribed by the doctor, do not most or less

2. Spend the doctor prescribed antibiotics even feel the body is healthy

3. Do not buy yourself without a prescription.

4. Remember antibiotics only to treat diseases originating from bacteria (microbes) such as urinary tract infections, sore throat etc

5. Colds, coughs and diarrhea generally do not need antibiotics. Just need to consume nutritious food, drink and rest. If 3 days is not cured immediately to the doctor

6. Do not be lazy to ask your doctor, any medication containing antibiotics and what are the benefits.

7. Do not buy antibiotics by using the old recipe.

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