
Understanding the Side Effects of Green Tea

Update Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 12:11 AM. in category : Diet,Health,Tips

Green tea is well known as a healthy drink. Many people drink it to get the benefit of the herbal drink that already famous for centuries. The green tea can help you to loose weight and have a relax mind. The green tea is used as the diet drink for long time ago. It helps lo lock the fat and avoid it to be absorbed by our body. the green tea will also give us the calm effect that will make your life feel more enjoyable. Beside the positive benefit of the green tea, there are some side effects of green tea you need to know, so that you will be able to consume it wisely.

The green tea as the other tea, will stain your digestion organs. It is illustrated in your old tea cup that have the color change whenever you use the cup for green tea over and over. The stain will also occur in your digestion organ that will block the nutrition to be absorbed to your body.  It will make you skinnier and also have some problem on your stamina. Eating much food will help you reducing the stain and having your body in your shape.  Too much green tea will make the stain getting worse and you will get other problem.

The other problem may occur to you is the nausea and the upset stomach. It will be occur to you when you have not eat breakfast or drink it with the empty stomach. The green tea will produce more stomach acid and for certain people, it will be a severe problem. There fore people with these disorder are suggested to avoid this drink. To know the side effects of green tea will make you able to do the prevention. You have to eat your meal before having our tea.

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