
13 Benefits of Garlic for Health

Update Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 6:30 AM. in category : Health,Herb,Nutrition,Tips

13 Benefits of Garlic for Health - Garlic has a pungent odor . Most often considered when dining garlic will bring the scent is not pleasant to the body . But in fact the garlic has many health benefits that are not unexpected . Based on the READERDIGEST website, plants which have the scientific name Allium sativum is known to be used for medicinal purposes for beauty and health as follows :

1 . nourish hairGarlic can overcome the problem of hair loss . With a high content of allicin , similar to sulfur compounds found in red take , which is believed to be effective for addressing the problem of hair loss . Rub sliced ​​garlic cloves to the scalp and massage a few to get maximum results . It could also add garlic oil , then massaged into the head .
2 . clear up acneMay not be found as the main ingredient in acne medications available in pharmacies , but garlic is a natural remedy that is able to repel stains because it contains antioxidants that can kill bacteria . Rub the garlic slices on acne slowly .
3 . Prevent and treat the fluWith the content of antioxidants in it , making the human body's immune system to benefit if garlic is constantly in the insert in the daily menu . If the flu over, try sipping tea garlic : enter sliced ​​or minced garlic in hot water for a few minutes then strain . Ready to drink tea . Can also add a little honey or ginger to taste .
4 . Soothe skin diseaseSince it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties , garlic is useful to reduce outbreaks of skin diseases . Try rubbing a bit of garlic oil on the affected area of skin that people eat more refined results .
5 . Weight controlDietician Cynthia Sass says studies in rats fed garlic showed a reduction in body weight and fat storage . Try to cook all by using garlic produces a delicious meal and a slim waist .
6 . Heal wounds flakesPlacing a piece of garlic over the wound and then cover it with a glass flake bandage is a traditional remedy that has long been used by some people . The bloggers will believe it until now .
7 . Treating athlete's footWith anti - fungus properties , garlic can be a panacea for athletes to relieve itching in the legs . Soak feet in a tub of warm water and minced garlic .
8 . Tearing mosquitoesOne study in India found that the people who rub the garlic herb in their arms and legs , are not bothered by the blood -sucking beast .

9 . heal canker soresAccording ECOSALON site , containing garlic supplement that can assist in the healing process of canker sores problem . Given the nature of the anti - inflammatory to help reduce pain and swelling .
10 . natural glueHave you noticed how sticky fingers after cutting garlic ? Garlic contains a natural adhesive quality which many people believe and use it to repair cracks in the glass objects . Crush some cloves and a few cloves of garlic and rub the material into parts to be glued .
11 . Cleaning the streets from snowA city in Iowa using garlic salt reduce donated to the ice from the highway embankment .
12 . protect cropsPests of plants do not like garlic . Use natural pesticides made ​​from garlic , mineral oil , water , and liquid soap . Pour into a spray container and spray the plants .
13 . Many fish canThe fish are very interested in premises linked garlic scent on the bait .

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