
How to Prevent Cancer Without Drugs

Update Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 1:18 AM. in category : Cancer,Diet,Food,Health,Tips

The method how to prevent cancer continues to be a concern given the society today , especially cancer patients in Asia has increased and this increases the risk of death due to cancer is basically difficult to treat . However , it is possible , you are able to recover from cancer this disease .

As we know , cancer has become a very frightening specter for everyone . In addition to its severity , the disease attacks people of all age groups and do not know . Therefore, it is important for us to know about how to prevent cancer is to avoid this disease .

How to prevent cancer we can do with a healthy lifestyle change both in terms of food or habit . Well , for more details , please see explanation below .

1 . Diet
How to prevent cancer is based on a study that someone who has an overweight or obese are more susceptible to the risk of cancer than those who have the ideal body weight . This applies not only to cancer , because most people who suffer from obesity will be susceptible to various diseases although not all of them .

2 . Exercise
Regular exercise can improve the immune system , metabolism and blood circulation . By increasing the immune system , the growth of cancer cells can be suppressed so that the risk of cancer is very small . How to prevent this cancer you can do with your favorite sports so you do not get sick and do not push .

3 . Antioxidants
Antioxidants can be obtained from a variety of foods such as tomatoes , watermelon contains vitamin C and licopen . Both of these substances can counteract free radicals that cause the growth of cancer cells . In addition , ways to prevent cancer can also use vitamin E or flavonoids which are also contained in many fruits or green vegetables . Antioxidants also can be obtained from a variety of supplements sold in the market .

Those are some tips for how to prevent cancer . I hope you can gain knowledge about cancer and may be useful in preventing cancer early .

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