
How to Treat Oral Thrush

Update Friday, March 14, 2014 at 10:36 AM. in category : Health,Oral Health,Tips

How to Treat Oral Thrush -Thrush is a mild disease that can heal itself which often affects the skin on the lips and inside the mouth , if not quickly treated the thrush thrush will greatly interfere with activities such as talking or eating anything else if that is eaten spicy food is definitely thrush you will be sick outstanding .

There are some very easy ways to cure thrush so that you do not need a doctor to treat thrush , oral thrush treatment is way way too treat the thrush proved successful in a short time . Now you want to know how to see 5 Ways To Treat Thrush below .

1 . Gargling with salt water

Gargling with salt warm water mixed three times a day can heal canker sores quickly . Salt content can draw liquid on canker sores that can accelerate wound healing .

2 . Drinking yogurt

Yogurt help balance of bacteria in the mouth and body . This will speed healing and help prevent thrush . To feel the results , make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus .

3 . Rinse mouth with traditional medicine

Rinse mouth with one of several traditional medicines , such as aloevera , grape seed extract , hydrogen peroxide , plum juice , tea tree oil and warm water with salt .

4 . Apply wound with onions and papaya

Applying the medication directly to the canker sores can also accelerate wound healing process . Use raw onion , papaya or a bag of tea directly on wound canker sores .

5 . Try baking soda

Mix baking soda with water which is used as a mouthwash or pasta to coat sores canker sores . Baking soda will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce pain .

Well that's some way to treat canker sores you must try in order that you endure canker sores heal faster .

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