
What Are Diabetics Not Allowed to Eat?

Update Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 3:00 PM. in category : Diabetes,Diet,Health,Tips

What Are Diabetics Not Allowed to Eat - Diabetes Diet still encourages people with diabetes to consume staple foods . And to be very careful on snack foods. Staple food is good to eat in this order are rice , corn , and potatoes . The worst is kind of starchy . Flour anything , even including rice flour.
Type of food made from flour that is not recommended nutritionists are bread , noodles, macaroni , spring rolls , donuts , plagues , meatballs , noodles , Steamed Bun , pancake , food from corn flour or cornstarch , and so on .

Other foods to avoid are foods that contain high sugar levels like sugar , soft drinks , compote , pureed beans . Some fruits should also be avoided such as jackfruit , snake fruit , sapodilla , and bananas .

Breakfast menu, lunch and evening menus are all still contains elements of four healthy . For breakfast , for example , eat the fried rice with vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers. Lunch and dinner had to be with a complete menu. Always contains carbohydrates, animal and vegetable protein, and vegetables. Examples include animal protein rice (choose one chicken, fish, or meat), vegetable protein (tofu or tempeh) and multiply vegetables.

Especially for animal source, We suggested to be keen in choosing. For example, lean meat, skinless chicken, minus the egg yolk, fish without the head (brain). Vegetable protein is highly recommended because it can lower blood sugar levels, recommended types are soy beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas.

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