
Salt Cause High Blood Pressure

Update Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 3:29 PM. in category : Health,Hypertension,Tips

Salt Cause High Blood Pressure  - Salt is very necessary for food , so there is a term of less savory dishes without salt . However , what if we actually excess consumption of salt , of course this will be detrimental to health , because there will be a wide range of diseases caused by excess of this seasoning . As well as triggering High Blood Pressure / hypertension , then that becomes a problem , why salt is able to trigger hypertension ?
Natrium Chloride ( NaCl ) is actually beneficial to maintain volume and blood pressure regulation , muscle contraction and maintain nerve cell transmission , and help balance water , acids and bases in the body .

However, based on General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition , 2003, salt intake should be no more than 6 grams in 1 day or equal to 2300 mg of sodium .
Salt very closely with hypertension, Salt Cause High Blood Pressure. Just half a teaspoon of salt can raise systolic pressure rose by 5 points and diastolic pressure rose 3 points. The high salt content in the body can affect the kidneys . Salt must be removed from the body by the kidneys , but because of its sodium binding water , the higher the salt makes blood volume increases .
Higher blood volume while the width of blood vessels , then the flow is so heavy , which means that blood pressure be increased. It also may increase the risk of hypertension.
Actually, not just salt , hypertension risk factors also influenced by several things , namely age , family history of hypertension , overweight , less active lifestyle , smoking , stress and alcohol drinking .

But by reducing salt intake can reduce the risk of people already affected by hypertension.
Hypertension is only the beginning , because behind them have been waiting for many serious diseases , including heart attack and heart raven , stroke , kidney failure and eye disease .

Here are some ways to reduce salt intake :
1 . Eat more fresh produce and less processed foods
2 . Limit the use of salt on your food by means of replacing it with certain herbs that can enhance the flavor or seasoning using salt substitutes .
3 . Choose foods low in salt
4 . Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
5 . When you have to eat processed products , be smart in reading the label .

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