
Definition High blood pressure or Hypertension

Update Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 2:27 PM. in category : Health,Hypertension

Definition High blood pressure or Hypertension - High blood pressure or also known as hypertension is a condition where a person's blood pressure increased above normal . The disease is more haunting people , especially the urban , and the cause of stroke , heart attack , kidney desease , and even death . Therefore , high blood pressure forces the heart to work hard constantly and cause damage to the blood vessels of the heart , kidneys , and brain .

Disorder of high blood pressure in a person is often not known exactly why. However , generally can be identified that the disorder as a result of kidney disorders or hormonal disorders . Naturally , our blood pressure changes. At the age of infants and children , for example , normally have a blood pressure that is much lower than adults , in addition, a person's physical activity also raises blood pressure variation . At the time of the person's physical activity increases blood pressure , and resting blood pressure is decreased . Blood pressure is also changing in the morning , afternoon , and evening . Generally , daytime blood pressure is higher than blood pressure at night .

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