
2 Type of Hypertension

Update Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 2:30 PM. in category : Health,Hypertension,Tips

2 Type of Hypertension - High blood pressure or hypertension can be divided into two types :

1 . Primary hypertension Hypertension of this type occurs when the disease arises as a result of lifestyle and environmental sufferers . For example, in people who do not control diet , obesity , stree , lack of exercise , and so on .

2 . Secondary hypertension In this type of hypertension , the disease appears as a person suffering from other diseases such as heart failure , kidney failure , or damage to the body's hormone system . It also includes pregnant women , which in general blood pressure will rise when the pregnancy reaches 20 weeks .

High blood pressure may be raised by the factors that we can control , it could be not . The factors that can not be controlled eg hereditary factors . As for the factors that can be controlled such as lifestyle , diet , and so forth . It stands to come to our attention that tehindar of this disease .

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