
Causes of High Blood Pressure

Update Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 2:35 PM. in category : Health,Hypertension,Tips

Causes of High Blood Pressure - High Blood Pressure or Hypertension can be caused by various factors . The most common factor is heredity . Therefore, if the parents suffer from hypertension , the child must be more cautious , in order to avoid hypertension .

Here are some of the causes of High Blood Pressure

1 . Genetic
Genetic or hereditary is one factor that can not be controlled . This factor relates to the structure of the genes in our body . If both parents have the same history of high blood pressure , it is possible that their children will develop the disease . The medical world is no evidence to prove that the gene is derived as a triggering factor of the disease . In addition , the results showed that identical twins have a greater risk of high blood pressure lowering compared are not identical twins .

2 . Age
A person's blood pressure increases with age . It is a factor that can not be avoided . However , we can control so do not let your blood pressure exceeds normal limits .

3 . Salt
Salt content in the body triggers metabolic system we add water into the blood . Increasing the volume of the liquid add blood pressure .

4 . Cholesterol
Cholesterol can accumulate in the walls of our arteries and cause narrowing . The buildup of cholesterol triggered by excess fat deposits due to high-fat foods or fried foods and less exercise .

5 . Stress
Stress in emotionally unstable cause increase in heart rate . Next , will lead to the emergence of high blood pressure .

Medical research proves that smoking is a major contribution in raising the heart rate , raise blood pressure , and other diseases . The caffeine contained in coffee, tea , and so also contribute a person's blood pressure to rise .

7 . Alcohol
Lots of facts and research proove that alcohol has a direct effect on blood pressure .

8 . Lack of exercise
Regular exercise can help the heart work regularly . With such regularity , also becomes irregular pulse and it had a positive impact in maintaining the elasticity of the arteries .

Flexibility of the arteries can cause the vessels expand and contract as needed , and blood pressure remained stable

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