
Type of Diabetes Mellitus and Causes

Update Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 3:30 PM. in category : Diabetes,Health,Tips

Type of Diabetes Mellitus and Causes - Diabetes occurs due to the body's metabolic processes are not perfect , takes place in a long period of time . We all know , every food we eat into energy the body would be processed through a series of complicated processes . The process of food digestion in the stomach and intestines , for example , food is broken down into glucose with the help of insulin substance produced by the pancreas . Insulin helps drain the sugar into the cells of the body and burned into energy .

In people with diabetes , the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to absorb glucose . As a result , glucose is not absorbed by the body perfectly , and stored in the blood glucose content increased .

There are several types of diabetes mellitus . Including the following .

1 . Type 1 diabetes
This type of diabetes is called insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus , covering simtoma ketoadisis until the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas , so pancreas can not produce insulin . People with type 1 diabetes rely on insulin for the rest of his life , because this type of diabetes associated with damage or impaired function of insulin -producing pancreas .

Type 1 diabetes usually appears since childhood . There are also suffering from this disease in their teens and at the age under 30 years of age . The cause of this diabetes mellitus type  are as follows .

A. Heredity or genetic . Risk couples who suffer from diabetes are likely children with type 1 diabetes .

B. allergy or autoimmunity that occurs in one of the cells in the pancreatic tissue . Body 's immune system destroys the cells that produce the insulin .

C. Damage to the cells of the pancreas due to viruses or chemicals .

People with type 1 diabetes must inject insulin into his body every day . Insulin can not be inserted into the body through the mouth , because the digestive system would destroy it . So , there is no way other than the injected .

2 . Diabetes Type 2
In contrast to type 1 diabetes , type 2 diabetes sufferers do not rely entirely on insulin . That is why type 2 diabetes is also called non - insulin dependent diabetes mellitus .

In type 2 diabetes , the problem is not because the pancreas does not make insulin . The pancreas can still produce insulin , but the amount is not sufficient , or the majority of insulin absorbed by fat cells due to lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns .

Some of the causes of diabetes are as follows .

A. A diet or an unhealthy lifestyle ( eating foods high in fat , high salt , high in carbohydrates , eating too much and rarely / never exercise )

B. High levels of blood cholesterol .

C. Rarely sport .

D. Obesity / overweight

Because the pancreas is still able to function , then in the case of type 2 diabetes , treatment with the repair work is done so that the pancreas is able to produce enough insulin .

3 . Diabetes type 3

This type of diabetes , including gestational category . Diabetes occurs during pregnancy . After giving birth , to recover as usual .

Some of the common symptoms that appear in people with diabetes are as follows .

. Frequent urination .

. Often feel very thirsty .

. Often feel hungry even after eating enough .

. Losing weight suddenly .

. Tingling in the feet and hands .

. Skin prone to itching problems and minor injuries that do not immediately recover .

. Hard to sleep soundly .

. Often fatigue .

Symptoms that appear in general . It's best to make sure the condition is a disease with a medical examination .

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