
Diabetes Mellitus Related Desease

Update Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 6:30 PM. in category : Diabetes,Diet,Health,Tips

Diabetes Mellitus Related Desease - Diabetes should have good handling and precise . If not , the disease has led to the risk of other diseases . Here are some Diabetes Mellitus Related Desease that arise as a result of advanced diabetes .

A. Complications
In the long term , diabetes can lead to complications such as heart attack , stroke , blindness due to glaucoma , kidney failure , and the decay of the sores that led to amputation . The complication arises because diabetes causes damage to blood vessels , nerve tissue , and the immune system .

B. Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is the blood sugar levels very low . Diabetics can suddenly experience it . Symptoms include trembling , sweating , tired , hungry , restlessness , increased heart rate , blurred vision , headache , body numbness , tingling around the mouth and lips , fainting and even seizures .

C. Ketoadisis
Ketoadisis is burning residual buildup of fat called ketones . Ketones are more acidic than healthy tissue . Early symptoms of thirst ketoadisis constantly accompanied by nausea , vomiting , fatigue , and abdominal pain , and sometimes progressing to coma within a few hours .

There is no doubt that diabetes is a disease dangerous , even deadly . Therefore , we must be wary not to get affected by the disease .

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