
Problems Due to Excess Sleeping

Update Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 4:30 AM. in category : Health,Sleep,Tips

Problems Due to Excess Sleeping, Lack of sleep is not good for health, because it can lower the immune system, triggering premature aging, and weight loss difficult. However, sleeping too long is also not better, because it could be the cause of a variety of medical problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and increased risk of death. How long do we actually sleep varies, depending on age, level of busyness, general health condition, and lifestyle. However, excessive sleep is not always triggered by sleep disorders. It could also be because the person had been drinking alcohol, or are taking certain medications. When under stress, for example, we feel it may take longer to sleep.

Excessive sleep can also be associated with low socioeconomic status of a person. People with lower socioeconomic status are generally not able to pay the doctor or hospital when you're sick, so there are many undiagnosed illnesses, such as heart disease. They then tried to cope with sleep longer.
Beyond that, of course, there are also people who are fond of lingering sleep.
Then, what will happen when we are too old to sleep?
If you are not among those who used to sleep a long time, and any time you sleep longer than usual, for sure you will wake up in a state of dizziness. The researchers believe this is due to certain advantages neotransmitter sleep affect the brain, including serotonin. People who sleep too long during the day, and disrupt his sleep o'clock at night, usually will feel dizzy when you get up in the morning.
Study of nearly 9,000 Americans showed that people who sleep more than 9 hours per night have an increased risk of diabetes 50 percent greater than those who slept 7 hours per night. However, the increased risk was also seen in people who slept less than 5 hours per night. It was unclear what the link between long sleep and diabetes, but researchers say that excessive sleep can be a sign of an underlying medical problem, which increases the likelihood of diabetes.
People who lack sleep are often called more easily increase their weight. But sleeping too long can make weight soared. People who slept for 9 or 10 hours every night likely to be obese for six years was 21 percent greater than those who sleep 7 or 8 hours. In fact, the effect of sleep on weight excess has remained the same even though you already regulate food intake and exercise.
People with insomnia tend to experience prolonged depression, because of his experience fatigue (remember the case of Heath Ledger?). However, 15 percent of people with depression was also known to sleep too long. This may make the depression worse. To restore its condition, the sufferer should go back to a normal sleep pattern. In some cases, reducing the time to sleep even be an effective treatment for people with depression.
Heart disease
This problem is more common in women. The in-depth research by the Nurses' Health Study of 72,000 women to show that they are sleeping 9-11 hours per night is likely to have coronary heart disease 38 percent higher than those who sleep 8 hours a night. Unfortunately, the researchers did not give a reason.
The study shows that people who sleep nine hours or more a night, had a death rate that is much higher than those who sleep 7 or 8 hours per night. Indeed, there is no scientific explanation, but it is likely to do with the habits of the people of lower socioeconomic status earlier. If the health problems they are experiencing are not treated medically, and only be overcome with a lingering sleep, not surprisingly, they could face death sooner.

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