
Avoid Stress, Depression, Frustration and Bad Mood

Update Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 2:00 AM. in category : Health,Stress,Tips

Avoid Stress, Depression, Frustration and Bad Mood - Stress, depression, bad mood, and feelings of frustration has become a common problem in large cities. Many people experience it but do not know how to prevent, resolve or relieve stress suffered.

This article will give you some proper ways to relieve stress naturally and make yourself stay in a state of good mood.
1. Meditation

Meditation is very useful for balancing the mind and also improve one's mood. Meditate at least 30 minutes alone in a place that is quiet and calm. But if you feel relax not do it, the same effect can be achieved by prayer or prayer.
how to relieve stress depression
2. Drinking water

Inadequate water consumption can make the feeling of being in a bad mood and emotion rising fast. But make sure you consume water, instead of soda or beverages that contain other chemicals.
3. Sport

Exercise and Sport light can be one of "how to relieve stress" powerful, because exercise makes the body produce endorphins in the brain chemicals which serves to make into a happy mood. Bonus: Exercise can also prevent premature aging and stay young.
4. Consuming Fruits and Vegetables

Nutrients and minerals contained in fruits and vegetables help the brain to function properly so that it can help deal with stress.
5. Enough sleep and quality

Lack of sleep can make you experience a bad mood when you wake up and easy low during activity in the office. This is because when you sleep, your body and brain in the resting phase and that repair damaged cells. So if the process is not completed can make activities disrupted.
6. And vitamin D supplements

Regular consumption of vitamin D per day always and also supplements like Omega-3 is made to be comfortable so that the brain can relieve stress and feeling bad mood.
7. Avoid anti-social attitudes

Do not confine yourself and immersed in solitude or problems that ultimately led to prolonged stress. Associating the one with the others, go to the mall with friends, and chat with your friends work together (or gossip).
8. Be grateful

Accept the situation and be grateful for what you have right now, many people often feel stressed and depressed because they expect a dream that is too high and far from reality. This does not mean you do not have ambition, but in feel to something more realistic.
9. Love and affection

Spend quality time with the people you care about such as family members, friends and couples. Communicate with them every day even if only for a short time because it can create a feeling of being happy and peaceful.

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