
Diabetes Mellitus Sign and Symptoms

Update Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 1:30 AM. in category : Diabetes,Diet,Health,Tips

Diabetes Mellitus Sign and Symptoms - Although the symptoms can show a person suffering from diabetes , but the best way to determine whether you have diabetes or not is by medical checking . What can be done to find out if you have diabetes ?

Here are some Diabetes Mellitus Sign and Symptoms
 alternatives that you can do either in person or tests in the clinic .

Sugar levels after fasting
Normal : < 100 mg / dl
Prediabetes : 100-126 mg / dl
Diabetes : > 126 mg / dl

Sugar levels 2 hours after eating
Normal : < 140 mg / dl
Prediabetes : 140-200 mg / dl
Diabetes : > 200 mg / dl

Usually done in a laboratory , which is tested when fasting and postprandial blood . Before doing the test , you have to fast for 12 hours . Normal glucose levels during fasting is under 100 mg / dl . After that , blood sampling will be carried back 2 hours after a meal , when the results are above 140 mg / dl then you have diabetes .

Examined urine or urine albumin , sugar and mikroalbuminurea to determine whether someone has the disease or not . This test is also done in the laboratory or clinic .

This test can be done at home if you have the tools . The trick is to put a needle on the finger to take blood samples . Then the blood sample is placed into the gap glukometer available on the machine .

The results are not very accurate , but can be used to monitor sugar for people when there is an indication that the high sugar can be checked in the laboratory immediately and contact a doctor . Recent glukometer tool has been designed so easy to use and does not cause pain when taking a blood sample .

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