
Honey Nutrition Information

Update Friday, February 28, 2014 at 10:30 AM. in category : Health,Herb,Nutrition,Tips

Honey Nutrition Information - A philosopher and Greek writer Athenaeus, stating that anyone who eat honey every day will be free of the disease for life. He is not making this up because it is contained in honey miscellaneous unique nutrition and potential for maintaining health and beauty.
Until now a lot of people who do not really understand choosing a good and original honey. Layman understanding about honey today when ants are not close, or if burned with lit matches.

Carbohydrates include simple types of honey. Average composition is 17.1 percent water, 82.4 percent total carbohydrate, 0.5 percent protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates are mainly composed of 38.5 percent fructose and 31 percent glucose. The rest, 12.9 percent carbohydrate made of maltose, sucrose, and other sugars. As a carbohydrate, a tablespoon of honey can be as much as 64 calories of energy supply.

One of the uniqueness of honey, although it has a sweet taste, is not so dangerous than sugar. Although mild effect in raising blood sugar compared to other carbohydrate sources, for diabetes are encouraged to continue to consult to a doctor when taking it.

Also in honey there are many vitamins, acids, minerals and enzymes, which are very useful for the body as a traditional treatment, antibodies, and inhibitors of cancer cell growth / tumor.

While the organic acid content in honey include glycolic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid. Some of these acids are beneficial to health that is useful to the body's metabolism, including oxalic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, and malic acid. Even in the lactic acid contained laktobasilin substances that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Free amino acids in honey can help cure diseases, as well as the formation of the neurotransmitter substance or compound that plays a role in optimizing brain function

Mineral content in natural honey, depending on which pollen smoked. The flowers planted on the ground that a lot of what the mineral content. So the number of iron, copper and manganese will make a dark colored honey, while the iron is closely connected with the staining of blood (hemoglobin).

Some of the mineral content in honey is sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), Chlorine (Cl), potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) , Iodine (I), Zinc (Zn), Silicon (Si), Sodium (Na), Molybdenum (Mo) and Aluminum (Al). Substance copper is essential for humans associated with hemoglobin, and deficiency causes reduced endurance, and trigger increased levels of cholesterol.

Substance manganese functions as an antioxidant, and a big influence on blood sugar control and regulate teroid hormones. Magnesium hold a vital role to enable the function of cell replication, protein and energy. Iodine is useful for growth and helps in burning excess fat in the body. If zinc deficiency is usually declining health, infection occurs easily and frequently
occurring skin disorders such as acne, etc..

The usefulness of calcium and phosphorus are very useful for the growth of bones and teeth. Iron (Fe) assist in the formation of red blood cells. Magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur associated with the body's metabolism. Molybdenum useful for the prevention of anemia and detoxification (especially for those who like liquor / alcohol).

A scientist from the University of Illinois at Urbana, USA, writing in the Journal of Research apicultural that the efficacy of each of honey could have been different, but certainly all types of honey contains antioxidants. Prof. in more detail. DR. H. Muhilal, nutrition experts from Nutrition Research and Development Center of Bogor, describes the nutritional value of honey. In addition to organic acids in honey
There are also amino acid content in the manufacture of proteins related to the body (nonessential amino acids). In addition there is also a nonessential amino acid essential amino acids include: Lysine, Histadin, tryptophan, etc..

Vitamins present in honey content, including: Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene.

Vitamin A hold an important role for growth and development, as well as maintaining a healthy body. Also related to the hormones adrenaline and teroid hormones and regulate the workings of nerve cells.

B2 (riboflavin) helps the growth and reproduction. Deficiency of riboflavin resulting in chapped lips, tongue irritation, itchy eyes, and cataracts often occur. B5 (pantothenic) hold a role in the production of adrenal hormones and red blood cells. B6 (pyridoxine) grasp the role of
important as a fortress balance hormones and regulate immune function. Vit C (useful as a supplement) are very useful for wound healing, antioxidant and immunity.

Besides honey also contains antibiotics as antibacterial and antiseptic keep the wound. Even honey hive immediately heal burns from splashed boiling water or hot oil. Hive of honey is very useful for maintaining health and healing, especially heart patients, kidney failure, liver, hepatitis, colon cancer, lung cancer, bronchitis, sinusitis, fatigue
chronic, chronic dizziness and heavy workers, people with rheumatism, osteoporosis, muscle spasms, especially in athletes, people with stroke, as well as additional menus for toddlers and people with AIDS / HIV. "The antibacterial properties of honey help fight infection in the injury and anti-inflammatory actions can reduce pain and increase circulation which affects the healing process," said Dr.. Peter Molan of the University of Waikato, New Zealand, through health sites. Honey also stimulates the growth of new tissue, thereby accelerating healing in addition also reduce the incidence of scarring or scars on the skin. That is Honey Nutrition Information, hope useful for you.

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