
What Causes Mold on Bread

Update Friday, February 28, 2014 at 5:00 AM. in category : Food,Health

What Causes Mold on Bread - Bread is a food source for various types of fungi . Fungal spores are actually very much in the air around us , for example , and its size is very small under the right conditions , these spores can grow on virtually any organic material and begin to digest it .

In bread , fungal enzymes will break down the cell walls of organic materials that make up the bread into simpler molecular compounds . The fungus consists of many species that contribute to 5 % of the total number of living species on earth .

Fungi do not have chlorophyll , which in turn mildew can not receive energy directly from sun.Part of fungus is parasitic , it means harming the growth of the host , whereas other types of living on organic material that has been death.Fungi can take a variety of organic molecules , so that this flexibility allows it to grow virtually anywhere .

The fungus produces digestive enzymes and acids tens to digest organic matter growth . Unlike humans , mushrooms work in the opposite direction , the organic material to be digested first and then eaten . Due to the nature of the fungus is capable of eating almost anything , there are species that was developed specifically as an capable cleaner agent. Fungi multiply exponentially until all of the nutrients that are available are exhausted .

Fungi reproduce by spores , a substance produced by the fungus small mass . Fortunately , the spores can be destroyed by heating ( cooked ) . That's why the bread did not immediately become infected shortly after being cooked . Over time , however , the spores from the air eventually stick to the bread which is a nutrient -rich substance .

When put in the freezer , fungi spores become active , although it can become active again when placed at room temperature . That is What Causes Mold on Bread

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