
Pear Fruit Benefits for Health

Update Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 2:00 PM. in category : Beauty,Cholesterol,Diabetes,Diet,Food,Health,Weight Loss

Many of us are increasingly problematic with the balance of consumption patterns . If you are among them , now is the time for you to adopt a healthy lifestyle . You can start by eating fruits , such as pears .

From the first, pear fruit was believed to bring good benefits for the body . The European noblemen in the past even make a special dish pear fruit for nobility . In fact , thanks to the benefits that can help the healing process , when the pear fruit is considered as a gift from God .

Today, advances in technology have managed to uncover the secret behind the ' miracle ' pear fruit . Research shows that fruit has a sweet taste and fresh is proved to have the content of various substances that are beneficial to the body , such as :

Fibre ( Fiber )

Research notes made ​​by some health authorities in Europe to prove that the fiber content of pear fruit can satisfy 19.8 % of the human body needs fiber , every day . The content of fiber in pears is also very useful for the digestive system . Eating fiber and copper on pear fruit safe for sensitive stomach , can overcome constipation , prevent colon cancer and inflammatory bowel because of the toxins that are in the intestinal tract will be eroded pear fruit fiber .

Chlorogenic acid

As one part of Hydroxy cinnamic acid , chlorogenic acid acts as an antioxidant that can block the formation of cancer cells . The results showed that the acid is able to prevent the growth of bacteria Shigella sonnei , cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract . In addition , Hydroxy cinnamic acids can also prevent colon cancer . Acid in pear fruit can bind Nitrate in the stomach , thus inhibiting the formation of Nitrosamines ( cancer causing carcinogenic compounds ) in the body .

Vitamin C

Eating a pear fruit every day is enough to meet 17% of the body's need for vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as the body's main compound is needed in many important processes , ranging from the manufacture of collagen ( a fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in the bone ) , fat transporters , transporters electrons of various enzymatic reactions , guard healthy gums , regulating cholesterol levels , as well as immunity boosters . In addition , vitamin C is necessary for wound healing body and improve brain function in order to work optimally .

Vitamin K

Eating a pear fruit can meet 15 % of the human body needs vitamin K each day . Vitamin K is very useful to aid the process of blood clotting . Thanks to the benefits that can reduce arterial stiffness by a factor of plaque deposits of calcium , Vitamin K also has the potential to prevent heart disease and stroke .

Pear very easy to find all around us . In rack fruits in supermarkets alone you can find a wide variety of pear fruit . Among the various options , there are the best types of pears , namely :

Golden Pear

With mottled yellow and round shape resembles a large apple , Gloden Pear has a sweet and refreshing because they contain more water than pear fruit in general .

Singo Pear

With a yellowish brown color and round shape resembles a large apple , Singo Pear has a more crunchy texture of the meat , so it has its own sensation when eaten .

However , to be able to enjoy all the benefits of pear fruit can not be arbitrary , of course , you have to make sure you consume pear fruit is still fresh and has a good quality . How do I recognize it ?

The easiest way is to look at a label on top of the fruit. For quality assurance are to be believed , you can choose Sunpride . As an experienced manufacturer of fruit , pears Sunpride ensure freshness you with the best quality .

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