
Health Benefits of Spinach

Update Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 1:00 AM. in category : Food,Health,Nutrition,Tips

Health Benefits of Spinach - Spinach has a Latin name Amaranthus tricolor Linn and was of the tribe Amaranthaceae . In Indonesia , there are two types of spinach , there are some that green leafy red sovereign . Spinach is often consumed as a vegetable nodes , hodgepodge mix , later also used as chips . Although it is a vegetable with a fairly high nutrient content , but spinach can be found easily in the markets at low prices .

Spinach Nutritional Content
In addition to fiber , spinach is also rich in beta-carotene . 1 cup spinach that has been picked to meet the 70 % requirement of beta-carotene per day . Beta-carotene ( vitamin A ) , plus vitamin C are antioxidants that make a good spinach . Spinach also contains folic acid , iron , and zinc .Nutrition in 100 grams of Spinach

Energy 36 cal
Protein 3.5 g
Fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrate 6.5 g
Fiber 0.8 g
Calcium 267 mg
Phosphorus 67 mg
Iron 3.9 mg
Vitamin A 6,090 IU
Vitamin B1 0.08 mg
Vitamin C 80 mg
Water 86.9 g

Health Benefits of Spinach
Spinach is vegetables at low prices . However, high nutrient content makes spinach as food that have high benefits for health . Here are some of the benefits of spinach for our bodies :Prevent CancerFiber in spinach that can prevent while not giving a chance to carcinogens ( cancer causing substances ) " stuck " in the intestinal wall . In addition, the chlorophyll in green spinach is able to prevent cells from becoming malignant mutation . Red pigment in red spinach is rich in flavonoids which are antioxidants that can prevent cancer .Preventing Coronary HeartSpinach contains choline and inositol which is able to prevent coronary heart disease . Both of these compounds work together to prevent the accumulation of plaque .Blood Sugar LevelsFiber content helps regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates so after a meal does not necessarily raise blood sugar levels .Eye HealthLuteinnya can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration . Research in the U.S. showed that those who ate spinach or other green vegetables 5 servings or more a week , the risk of developing macular degeneration fell by 43 % .Overcoming AnemiaIron content in spinach no doubt . The experts even believe , the content of iron- twice as many other vegetables .
Lose WeightSpinach has a low calorie content and also fiber which can inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates and fats as well as giving a sense of fullness in the stomach . Consumption of spinach is very suitable for those who are on a diet to lose weight .Other benefitsSpinach is rich in folic acid which is needed by pregnant women to prevent defects fetal growth . The content of calcium and magnesium efficacious strengthen bones and teeth .

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